Up-Link digital station on sat Hot-Bird II c/o MEDIASET Cologno Monzese

 Far view of the dish placed under radio tower in Cologno Monzese

 Ground mount of dish panel and steel structure

 Transformer and Klystron vacuum tube installation into HPA frame 2 Kwatts Ku band

 Spot of two way H-V WR-75 Wave guide below tower dish


 Spot of azimutal node WR-75 flex-twist waveguide

 Azimuthal tower our project with electric junction box for deicing and AZ-EL motor drives

 Front view of n.2 HPA 2 Kw Klystron in Ku Band and DIGITAL rack

 Front view of n.2 HPA in ST-BY mode

 Hewllett- Packard scalar network analyzer and power meter

 Hewllett Packard spectrum analyzer and plotter with irradiation diagrams of the dish

 Back side of AZ-EL tower our production

Main contractor,wave guides mechanical electronics and electrics engineering devices


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